Is there a way to turn off image upload and force the images (at least pasted images) to be converted to the base64 version so I can store them in my DB?
Using the image.beforeUpload event, the images can be inserted as base64 instead of being uploaded to the server. Below is how that can be achieved:
new FroalaEditor('.selector', {
events: {
"image.beforeUpload": function(files) {
var editor = this;
if (files.length) {
// Create a File Reader.
var reader = new FileReader();
// Set the reader to insert images when they are loaded.
reader.onload = function(e) {
var result =;
editor.image.insert(result, null, null, editor.image.get());
// Read image as base64.
// Stop default upload chain.
return false;
Do not skip reading this:
Although inserting images as base64 can be easily achieved, our recommendation is to use images that are loaded from an URL. This might be tempting at a first glance because you don't have to deal with all the image storage, but you will get in troubles quickly. Here are the top 2 reasons for doing that when you're using a WYSIWYG HTML editor and
- browser tend to slow down when images are inserted as base64 because they have to process very large chunks of HTML;
- when you save the content, you'll pass a lot of data to your server and that would result in an unwanted overload.